Financial elder abuse is broadly defined in California. It occurs whenever a person or business does any of the following:
Our senior citizens often are targeted and victimized by the very people who should be helping them. These people include those who are closest to them, including family members and friends. But there also are other scammers who are not so obvious, such as:
Frequently, our seniors are victimized precisely because they are trusting and loving, but easily confused or are unfamiliar with what is and is not possible. They are promised a way to not be a burden on their loved ones, or presented with a plan to quickly increase their assets so they can leave more to their families when they pass. This makes them easy prey for unscrupulous individuals or businesses. They do not recognize the fraud as it is happening, and by the time they see the result it is too late.
Financial elder abuse is entirely different from other forms of elder and dependent adult abuse. It is not based on the personal injury to the victim; it is based on the victim’s financial damage, which may occur either with or without actual physical injury.
Several attorneys who advertise expertise in elder abuse litigation also say they practice financial elder abuse litigation. But you should seek out attorneys who have done the in-depth research and analysis necessary to understand the nuances and litigation opportunities in this little used area of the law. Allen Saltzman, LLP are those attorneys.