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Meet Our Team

Over 45 years of combined elder and dependent adult abuse experience.

Every elder and dependent adult abuse case is different.  The successful pursuit of your rights and those of your loved ones require a complete understanding of the challenges you and your loved ones have faced, and the challenges we, as your attorneys, will face.  Here is where Allen Saltzman, LLP excels.  Experience and creativity are what set Allen Saltzman, LLP apart.

Elder and dependent adult abuse litigation is a developing and uniquely specialized area of the law.  The attorneys at Allen Saltzman LLP have for years navigated through the ever-changing laws and regulations with which healthcare institutions must comply.  Understanding and applying these obligations allows the attorneys at Allen Saltzman, LLP. to develop creative approaches as we represent your individual needs.

The attorneys at Allen Saltzman, LLP bring experience from all sides of the elder and dependent adult abuse litigation system.  Before focusing on our current representation of the victims of abuse and neglect, our attorneys benefitted from extensive experience representing healthcare facilities.  Our insight into defense strategies allows Allen Saltzman, LLP to know and anticipate the tactics employed by defendants, their insurance carriers, and attorneys.  Our successful approach reflects our unique implementation of this experience.

We are proud that the majority of our cases are referrals from other attorneys.  They trust and respect Allen Saltzman, LLP.  You can, too!

Meet our team


How We Can Help You

Your case may require advancing several different theories.  The attorneys at Allen Saltzman, LLP are experts at reviewing the facts of your case and developing creative approaches to maximize the opportunities presented by your individual facts.  Some, but by no means all, of those theories include:    

  • Elder and Dependent Abuse - Neglect/Physical Abuse
  • Financial Elder and Dependent Adult Abuse
  • Medical and Related Malpractice
  • Wrongful Death

Elder and Dependent Abuse - Neglect/Physical Abuse

The fact that you are reviewing the website of attorneys who specialize in elder and dependent adult abuse probably means you believe you or a loved one is thought to be a victim. Perhaps it is something which happened at a hospital. Maybe there was harm at a skilled nursing facility. Perhaps something occurred at a residential care facility for the elderly or adult assisted living facility.

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Financial Elder and Dependent Adult Abuse

Frequently, our seniors are victimized precisely because they are trusting and loving, but easily confused or are unfamiliar with what is and is not possible. They are promised a way to not be a burden on their loved ones, or presented with a plan to quickly increase their assets so they can leave more to their families when they pass.

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Medical and Related Malpractice

Not every unfortunate bad outcome at the hands of a healthcare provider is malpractice. Malpractice occurs when the healthcare provider fails to meet the community standard expected of reasonably qualified and competent professionals rendering similar healthcare service in California.

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Wrongful Death

Unfortunately, all too frequently the victims of elder or dependent adult abuse do not survive the abusive care. This forces the loving family members, like the abused elders, to suffer. If your loved one was taken from you by the abusive or negligent care of another, the law provides a remedy in the form of a case for “Wrongful Death” for the benefit of those family members who must live with the tragedy.

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Please contact us today to see how we can be of service to you.

Allen Saltzman LLP


Phone: 951.600.1955
Fax: 951.600.1473

28991 Old Town Front St. Suite 201
Temecula, CA 92590

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